Last time round we did 3 things

  1. Loaded the Keepass DLL/EXEs in so we could call their routines
  2. Created an Empty KeePass DB construnct to read an existing DB in to
  3. Read in an existing KeePass DB into the pointer created in Step #2
These are common tasks we will need to do multiple Yep functions. If you want to see the detail flip back to Part-1
Expand this for details of Function Code Blocks
Function Load-KPBinaries {
    Param ($PathToKeePassFolder)
  	# Check if Keepass DLLs are already loaded
	  If (! (Test-Path $PathToKeePassFolder)) { $log.WritePSError("KeePass software could not be located in $($PathToKeePassFolder)"); Return $null }
	  #Load .NET binaries in the folder
  	(Get-ChildItem -recurse $PathToKeePassFolder|Where-Object {($_.Extension -EQ ".dll") -or ($_.Extension -eq ".exe")} | ForEach-Object { $AssemblyName=$_.FullName; Try {[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($AssemblyName) } Catch{ }} ) | out-null

Function Open-KPDB {
	Param ($PathToKPDB, $KPMasterPassword)
	$MyKPDatabase = new-object KeePassLib.PwDatabase 
	#Create Password Object
	$MyKPKey = new-object KeePassLib.Keys.CompositeKey
	$MyKPKey.AddUserKey((New-Object KeePassLib.Keys.KcpPassword($KPMasterPassword)));
	#Create pointer to file on disk object
	$IOConnectionInfo = New-Object KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo
	$IOCOnnectionInfo.Path = $PathToKPDB
	$KPNStatusLogger = New-Object KeePassLib.Interfaces.NullStatusLogger
	#open up the Database, using the Open function of the MyKPDatabase object we created earlier
	$KPEntries = $MyKPDatabase.RootGroup.GetObjects($true, $true)
	foreach($KPEntry in $KPEntries)
		$KPFoundEntry = "" | Select-Object Title,UserName,Password
		$KPFoundEntry.Title = $KPEntry.Strings.ReadSafe("Title")
		$KPFoundEntry.UserName = $KPEntry.Strings.ReadSafe("UserName")
		$KPFoundEntry.Password = $KPEntry.Strings.ReadSafe("Password")
		$KPFound += $KPFoundEntry
	Return $KPFound