I sat my VCP5-DCV last Monday (a week ago Monday now) and passed.  450/500 so I am quite chuffed.

It was a great relief as I had devoted lots of lunchtimes and evenings and late nights into silly times in the morning to it.

I was so relieved that I haven’t blogged or done anything out of work since!

I resumed things like going to the gym at lunch times (VCP5=Fat Nealo!), Gentlemen’s Club on Tuesdays and spending some of my birthday money on a consumer binge of non-techy stuff. That’s out of the way now, the honeymoon’s over and it’s time for the next challenge.  Having been spurred on by two colleagues at work I am plumping for VCAP-DCA. Why? It’s a logical next step.  There’s no barrier to it in terms of pre-requisite courses etc. as the VCP5-DCV qualifies me to sit it.  Plus my employer pays for the exams.

So in kind of closing the door on VCP (*until it expires) I’ll sign off this section with some thanks.

Darryl (https://twitter.com/potato_heads and http://darrylcauldwell.com/ ) and Rich (https://twitter.com/virtRich and http://richdowling.wordpress.com) for encouragement

Mike Corfield and Michael Stephen uk.linkedin.com/pub/michael-stephen/29/78b/39b  for random revision questions/queries at desks or in the brew room.

Then Mike Preston for his great practice questions and Simon Long’s practice questions (both still relevant today!)

https://twitter.com/mwpreston and http://blog.mwpreston.net/vcp-5/practice-quiz/

https://twitter.com/SimonLong_and http://www.simonlong.co.uk/blog/vcp5-practice-exams/

Jason Langer’s good study guide too! https://twitter.com/jaslanger

oh and Vidad Cosonok’s cram notes!!!  http://www.cosonok.com/2011/10/vcp510-vcp-on-vsphere-5-exam-cram-notes.html

and finally The StorageFather himself Cormac Hogan for stopping me worrying about NPIV :-) https://twitter.com/CormacJHogan and http://cormachogan.com/  

It kind of sums up a great community on the web, twitter and now at work!


oh go on then…thanks to Hosk for all the “DO CERTIFICATIONS!” blog posts :-) https://twitter.com/BenHosk